Using Reports Effectively

Do you love data as much as we do? Are you using your BALANCE reports to your full advantage?

There are a number of reports available to partners each month that show various aspects of BALANCE program usage. You can glean a fair amount of data from each one that not only will show levels of engagement with the BALANCE resources you offer but can also be very insightful to your customers’ overall financial well-being.

Take the Call Summary Report, for example. Not only can you see how many calls we took from your organization, but we also breakdown the topics that our counselors discussed. Using a few months’ worth of those reports, you can start to spot trends over time, indicating the areas of guidance your members/customers/employees are looking for. Using that data, you could tailor future messages or even create new products to meet those needs.

Another valuable report we provide our partners with is the Referral Summary. This tells you how your audiences are hearing about BALANCE. Again, we’re all looking to find out where we’re getting the most bang for our buck, and this report can help you see those trends over time. Are you getting your best results from staff referrals or your website or a newsletter article? Again, knowing that information can help you plan future messaging campaigns.

We also provide analytics reports for our Private Label Websites, Balance Track online module usage reports, Webinar Attendee Reports and Appointment Summary Reports. If you are not currently receiving these, please reach out to your BALANCE Partner Relations rep to be added to the distribution list.


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