Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling
By: Denise Keiser AFC®, Director of Training
At BALANCE, we believe that financial success is not just about numbers, it’s about empowering individuals to take control of their financial futures. Our Financial Coaching service is designed to inspire and motivate, going beyond…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling
By: Denise Keiser AFC®, Director of Training
At BALANCE, we are deeply committed to supporting your clients as they navigate their unique financial journeys. As financial coaches, housing counselors, and student loan experts, we provide the guidance and education necessary to…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling
By: Denise Keiser AFC®, Director of Training
At BALANCE, we understand that life is filled with important financial milestones and unexpected challenges. Our financial coaching services help individuals navigate these events by focusing on the four pillars of financial health: spending wisely, saving for emergencies, borrowing smartly, and…
Financial Counseling
By: The BALANCE Marketing Team
Our COO, Cynthia Campbell, recently appeared as a guest on the Banking on Digital Growth Podcast with James Robert Lay. They discussed the importance of financial education and counseling within credit unions. Here are a few takeaways…
Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Cynthia Campbell, MBA, MEd, CUDE, Chief Operating Officer
When helping a member with their budget, how much time are you spending discussing their income? I think many times we, as financial coaches, ask them for their take-home pay for use as the starting place in the monthly budget and then we move on to the expenses. Most counselors are quite…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Shellye Carpenter, CCUFC, Director of Partner Relations
As we all navigate through the “Great Resignation” and the changes taking place in the workforce, one thing employers should keep in mind is: for all the talk about rising wages and workers being able to “name their price,” many workers are still struggling financially. This leads to…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Cynthia Campbell, MBA, MEd, CUDE, Chief Operating Officer
If you are wondering what your members may need right now, I would suggest they need understanding and creative solutions. Recently, I have had conversations with two people who called BALANCE wanting financial counseling. They both had a gap that needed…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Denise Keiser, Counseling Program Manager
…Seeking the advice of a Financial Counselor isn’t just for those who’ve experienced a financial blunder in the past. For clients looking to accomplish financial goals, counseling can be a supplement to what they already know. There is no shortage of financial goals these days. But, the challenge with…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling
By: Bruce Doane, Account Coordinator on the Partner Relations Team at BALANCE
Okay, so your organization has signed on to begin utilizing BALANCE’s financial education programs and services. Now what? …How will you distribute information to the rest of the staff so they can communicate these new opportunities to those you serve? Luckily, you’re not alone in this endeavor….
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling
By: Shelly Weber, Certified HUD Housing Counseling and Financial Coach
We have often heard it said, “Do not neglect contributing to our employer’s sponsored retirement plan”…. Perhaps, taking advantage of an employer’s retirement savings should come with a warning sign: “Do not contribute until you are financially prepared.” This may sound counterintuitive, but let me explain.
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Cynthia Campbell, MBA, MEd, CUDE, Chief Operating Officer
We all have messages about money that we have internalized over the years. These messages have shaped our money personality. Shame is the feeling of humiliation over a perceived wrong action or foolish behavior. Shame causes a feeling of…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Daisha Badgett, Financial Empowerment Manager
When I think about the CUFinHealth21 Conference, the first thing that comes to mind is… Mind Blown! I am the new Financial Empowerment Manager at BALANCE, and attending this conference early in my tenure was perfect. Last week, my first lesson was to …
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Tina Herndon, Financial Education and Training Manager
It is easy for clients to lose their ability to dream for a better future when they are in survival mode. The pressures of living on the brink of financial disaster can cause clients to make decisions that take them farther away from accomplishing their goals. However, motivating a client to dream is…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Denise Keiser AFC®, Counseling Programs Manager
People seek financial counseling because they want things to be different in their financial lives. They are looking for change like relief from surmounting debt, less financial stress, or they have important financial goals to reach like buying a home or saving for retirement. Regardless of the individual’s reason, the counseling process is the same. The process starts with…
Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Lindsey Deinhardt, Director of Organizational Development
Over decades, we have integrated social media into our lives: it is how we connect with people and organizations. Consequently, companies have taken advantage of this and turned what used to be a networking tool into an easy way to advertise. The average American will spend more than…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Jen Martin, Director of Partner Relations
In the first article in this series, we discussed how searching for the perfect financial fitness partner is like dating. Then in part two, we reviewed that every great partnership requires commitment (similar to a marriage), goal alignment, and working together. In part three, we will talk about how relationships change or adapt over time…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Denise Keiser AFC®, Counseling Programs Manager
But, let’s be honest. Saving money isn’t something that comes easily to many of us, including the people we serve. We know it’s important, but so often, it seems like an overwhelming task. Instead of…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Meaghan Hiller, AFC®, Director of Financial Education
I was not always an expert in personal financial management. Years ago, like many other 18-year-olds, I stumbled into the credit card trap and fell…hard. I was finishing up my freshman year in college when I maxed out my first credit card, which was soon…
Financial Counseling
By: Linda Davis-Demas, Senior Director of Housing
Housing Counseling is a core competency of BALANCE. We handle pre-purchase, post-purchase, foreclosure prevention, rental, and reverse mortgage counseling. We are a HUD approved national housing counseling agency. We work with mortgage servicer partners…
Financial Counseling
By: Karina Galvan-Torres, Senior Director of Operations
During times of economic crisis and uncertainty, the significance of prioritizing financial stability suddenly leads every conversation with family and friends. For agencies, like BALANCE, that provide services to underserved and financially vulnerable communities every day…