Financial Health
By: Denise Keiser AFC®, Counseling Programs Manager
“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people that they don’t like,” — Will Rogers. In the spirit of garnering helpful advice from one of the wittiest performers in history, let’s review how money and debt shape today’s credit scores.
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Cynthia Campbell, MBA, MEd, CUDE, Chief Operating Officer
If you are wondering what your members may need right now, I would suggest they need understanding and creative solutions. Recently, I have had conversations with two people who called BALANCE wanting financial counseling. They both had a gap that needed…
Developing a Financial Wellness Program, Financial Counseling, Financial Health
By: Meaghan Hiller, AFC®, Director of Financial Education
I was not always an expert in personal financial management. Years ago, like many other 18-year-olds, I stumbled into the credit card trap and fell…hard. I was finishing up my freshman year in college when I maxed out my first credit card, which was soon…